
Congress does not work for the people anymore. Its time we change this.

Everything the Government does should be for “We The People” not lobbyist and big corporations. Princeton University has proven what we all have figured for a long time. Our Government does not work for the people like they are supposed to according to the US Constitution. At this point we may just need to fire all of them and elect real leaders.

We have some serious problems folks!

Pelosi rakes in the cash on the stock market regularly. Probably because she steers legislation that would effect her money negatively the other way or blocks it all together.

She says “You want to talk politics, its called the wrap up smear”.

So how much more prof do people need? Pelosi makes up most the junk she says about her opponents or enemy’s.

To her its just politics but to us, we take it as truth and act accordingly.

I don’t know what people think congress is doing on a regular basis but i can almost guarantee you that its not what most people think. They should be passing laws and making policies that will improve life for Americans. Instead they spend all day doing everything possible to destroy our country.

Joe Biden and the Congress with Nancy at the helm is actively destroying our country, right in front of our eyes!

AOC is the poster child for who you DO NOT want in your government, at any level. Yet she plays a big part in the stupid leftist bills coming out of Congress.


Everyone needs to put their differences aside and come together. It’s time to accept the duty we all have as Americans. We have to stand up to tyranny and follow only Constitutional laws passed under Constitutional processes. Officials that have broken the law need to be put through the legal process. The TRUTH has to come out, before it’s to late.

Nancy Pelosi is one of the biggest problems that America faces.

The HR1 Bill that is going through the process in congress will destroy this country and turn us into a socialist nation. Once the people run out of money then we will depend on government for everything.