Election Fraud

Mainstream Media will not talk about election fraud movie & proof “2000 Mules”.

Grandma GOES OFF after watching “2000 Mules” (STRONG LANGUAGE)

Newest update on the election audits so far.

How to steal an Election

Its crazy how this short little video will put what we all witnessed into frame and make it seem a little bit easier to understand.

Project veritas has been a life saver in the fight to expose the corrupt government we all have ended up with. Congresswomen Omar has been caught clearly committing voter fraud, but our corrupt DOJ does nothing about it. Here is two clear videos of her guilt. I wonder why the law doesn’t apply to her but does any other republican candidate?

More voter fraud that the main stream media said didn’t exist.

More undeniably voter fraud evidence that main stream media couldn’t find.

Mathematician says this could not happen naturally. Goes as far as to say the numbers of probability are so large there is not enough stars in the universe to which the number could reach. One thing about numbers folks, they don’t lie. 

Will anything really be done to correct the 2020 election?

Arizona just warped up the most conclusive forensic ballot audit ever conducted on an American election. Already there are plenty of reports coming out about how corrupt the whole state conducted its election. The final report has not been published yet but i know a lot of people cant wait for the results. This may be the break that we need to get ahead of our corrupt government and the plans they seem to have for us.

More and more fraud comes out everyday. Yet the Biden regime is steady changing laws, breaking laws, hunting trump supporters, and destroying our country.

I swear you cant make this up. lol What did people expect. The main problem is the VOTING MACHINES and common sense people know this.

New York mayor race already having serious problems with voting machine numbers adding up.

Until we get the voting machines out of this country, then you can expect every election to be in favor of democrats. I promise you that even some republicans will win on these machines but mark my words, those republicans will be like the RINO’s we are dealing with now. They will be elected for the fact that democrats can get on TV and say “no, nothing is wrong with the machines because look even republicans were elected”. I can guarantee this.

Ha Ha I thought this video was pretty funny. lol

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