
Its very possible that if it wasn’t for the main stream media and all the lies it pushes. America would be in a very different place today. More than likely we would be in a much better place. The media’s goal for years now has been to divide and create conflict.

The American people are waking up to the fact our government is actively lying to us and pushing false narratives for a political gain. This is costing lives and ruining families all across America.

Our Media has been weaponized for years against the people. Its all about profit, gained through spinning the narrative.

Propaganda may be the worst single piece of weaponry Democrats have in their pocket. If it wasn’t for the manufactured lies and smear campaigns run on main stream media. America would be a lot better of a country. We have to get louder about the Main stream media’s lies.

When enough people start thinking for themselves again and come up with this guys idea. That will be about the time the government reports that they some how lost all the supply they had and cant find anymore in the world.

We really do have a serious problem with our large media companies. It is very important that we come together and change the policies of these companies. We should be getting truthful information from our media, we shouldn’t even have to talk about how fake our news reports are.2021-04-21-03-41-10wethepeople2 

This is NOT propaganda


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