FREEDOM is your God given right!

“We The People”

We have the authority, given to us by the Constitution. The powers of Government belong to the people. We have to start acting like it before they end up taking all our God given Rights!

George Soros is one of the largest threats to our republic, that we have ever seen. All because of the amount of money this man is willing to spend on corrupting our government and major institutions.

The Biden regime has no problem violating the civil rights of anyone that disagrees with them.

Civil Liberties should be first, then the situation at hand.


We are still a FREE NATION…Stand up for it!

What are people thinking? We are free people. Why in the world anyone would want to change that and be ruled by people that do not have our best interest in the forefront just blows my mind. The lies that are being feed to the younger generation is astounding. How we got to this point has many definitions. This was nothing that happened over night but instead over years and years of slowly changing the minds of our people.

Today we are seeing the results of all the hard work our enemies have been putting in for years. Some countries more than others have contributed to this. China would be the country I’d have at the top of my list. We as Americans, living in the freest country in the world, one of the riches countries, with the most opportunity, have to come together if we want to pass this freedom down to the next generation. We need to set aside the differences you may have with your fellow American. Most of these differences have been fabricated anyway, as part of the efforts used to divide us and make us fight with one another. It is very important that we send a strong message to our Government and to the leaders all around the world. That we will not be ruled by violence, lies, economic poverty, or anything else they plan to spring on us. America is the country that funds most the world. We need to realize this and use it to our advantage. There is more of us than them and we still have all the power. Our Constitution gives the power of government to the people. We are in control not the other way around. I know it doesn’t seem that way with all the stuff Government has been getting away with for years now but it is. “We The People” control our futures. Its up to us to make a change and take back our country. Stand together and stand proud. Be proud to be American and never apologize for this. Work hard and keep your head up. We got this!

The Bill of Rights is very important to our country! Below is a video explaining the Bill of Rights.


Everyone needs to put their differences aside and come together. It’s time to accept the duty we all have as Americans. We have to stand up to tyranny and follow only Constitutional laws passed under Constitutional processes. Officials that have broken the law need to be put through the legal process. The TRUTH has to come out, before it’s to late.